The Raw Foods Evolution

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

New Terminology- Trackbacking blogs!

Today I added trackback to My Raw Foods Diet Blog after watching
these videos by Jim Edwards and Thomas Pierce.

I am highly recommend these videos to my subscribers. I didn't know anything about blogging until joining Jim's e-mail list.

Jim Edwards writes about e-Books, marketing, and copywriting. Thomas is the worlds leading expert on blogs, more info on them is on Jim's blog

You can help me out by streaming my blog, sign in to and click "Add Content" then "Add RSS" and add this URL->

I hope you can make it to my teleseminar tomorrow! Scroll down for more details.


In The Raw by Lapis

In The Raw by Lapis

Technorati Tag

This is an excellent blog written by Lapis on Cure Zone. I highly recommend reading these posts. Some of the topics include:

- Beating Cancer & Injury the Natural Way : "One of the most important things I've learned over the years is that plants are the proper fuel for the human body. Animals as food not only clog up the circulatory system and suppress the immune system; they are responsible for most of the diseases humans are subject to." ...

- Juice It ...
"Basically, it's important for our bodies to get the nutrients from fruits and vegetables each day to maintain health, energy, and to protect our health and boost our immunity. Juicing allows us to do this more easily." ...

- Tantra and Raw Food ...
- Raw Foods Rule ...
- ***Raw Healing*** (must read) ... "...if your tired of all the misleading information, confusing and conflicting ideas, and downright deception when it comes to needed information about how to finally achieve ultimate healing, here it is." ...

- Ten Advantages Of Eating Raw ...
- Sprouting Sustainability: The Raw Food Diet ...
"Kirilian photography confirms that a more radiant aura, or energy emanation, surrounds a whole food that is uncooked than when it has been cooked. Try planting a cooked seed-- it will not sprout. It can't produce life." ...

- Biodynamic Food ...
“What organic produce is to conventionally-grown food, biodynamically-farmed produce is to organics.” ...

- Cooking Creates New, Toxic Substances In Food ...

- Organic Food Is More Nutritious! ...
- Raw Fresh Produce vs. Cooked Food ...

- Why Raw ...
- Asserting Democratic Control of Food and Agriculture ...
- Eating As a Political Act ...
- Divine Food for Divine Beauty ...
"When our actions are in opposition with nature, the results are different types of bodily ills, deformities and ugliness. Eating cooked food leaves residues that the body cannot utilize and they become deposited in places where our Creator never intended." ...

- Jesus Was A Raw Foodist ...
- Ecology Of Raw ...
- Superior Raw Diet Awaits Those Who Are Ready ...